Working Visa

A working visa in Japan is a document that allows foreign nationals to legally work in the country for a specified period of time. This visa is issued by the Japanese government and is based on specific categories related to the type of work an individual will be exchanged in. The category of working visas in Japan cover a wide range of occupations and industries, including engineering, IT, education, health care, skilled labor and more.

Categories of Working Visa

  • SSW (Specific skilled workers): This visa is one of the working visa which is most popular nowadays. Qualified individuals are directly confronted with related Japanese companies by act manager in Japan for this visa. There are 3 types for it as well:
  • Food service: This visa is one of the SSW visas. for this, individuals need to pass the JFT ( A2 level) or JLPT ( N4 level) as well as the food service skill test. This visa is a contracted for 5 years period where you need to work in restaurants of Japan.
  • Nursing care: This visa is also classified as on SSW visa. Individuals applying for this visa must pass the JFT (A2 level) or JLPT (N4 level). Together with the Nursing care skill test. This visa is valid for a term of five years. If you want to travel to Japan on this visa, you will need to take care of patients who are elderly and impaired.
  • Agriculture: The SSW visa category includes this one as well. This visa is of two types i.e. crop farming and livestock farming. Crop farming requires you to labor to cultivate crops, whereas livestock farming requires you to raise and breed animals such as chickens, pigs and cows to attain this visa individuals must pass both the JFT (A2 level) or JLPT (N4 level) and the agriculture skill test. The binding period of this visa is also for 5 year

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